Monday, September 20, 2010

29th Annual Fresno State African American Recruitment Conference: "Fresno State's Got Talent"

It is that time of the year again! You and your students are cordially invited to the 29th Annual African American High School Recruitment Conference.

In honor of California State University, Fresno’s Centennial Anniversary, this year we will be hosting a "Hollywood" themed conference and student video contest. The theme of this year’s African American High School Student Recruitment Conference is “Fresno State’s Got Talent." It’s a FREE all day event with workshops, lunch and guest speakers.

The conference takes place at California State University Fresno's Satellite Student Union on Saturday, November 20, 2010 from 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Check-in is from 9:00 a.m. - 9:50 a.m.

To register go to:

The Deadline for registration is November 6, 2010.

Below are a list of workshops being offered.

The A-G Team
o It’s never too early to start preparing for college. Sometimes the toughest part of preparing for college is just figuring out where to start. This workshop is designed to help students develop a clearer understanding how to prepare for college. We will give you the tools to start planning for college by:
  • Explaining the different college types and requirements
  • Identifying the A-G/college admissions requirements (course requirements for the University of California and California State University systems)
  • Explaining the difference between high school requirements and A-G/college requirements
  • Identifying the courses you need to take to be eligible for college.
America’s Next Top Graduate
o Want to be on top? Do you have what it takes to graduate from college? If you have not attended college before, you may not be aware of the differences between the high school and college environments. The transition from high school to college can be a difficult one. This workshop can help you navigate the transition from high school to college. Are you up to the challenge?

So You Think You Can Transfer?
o Do you want to transfer from a 2 year college to a four year college but are unsure how to make the transition? Do you need help figuring out which classes to take? Do you need information on how to maximize your time at a community college? Don’t get left behind. Attend this workshop to have all your transfer questions answered by an expert.

The Secret Life of the African American College Student
o Have you ever wondered what college is really like? Our panel of students is ready to share details about their college experience with you. They will tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly of college life. Come and hear Fresno State’s African American students share what they have learned.

Wipeout: How to Enjoy College without Wrecking Your Grades
o Being a good student doesn't have to mean the death of your social life. It's possible to earn good grades while marinating a healthy social life. In the workshops you will learn tips for keeping a balance between school and fun.

FlashForward: Planning Your College Future
o Are you trying to figure out which major to choose? Or which major offers the best jobs? Do you know which major best suits your career goal? Or are you totally clueless about what major is the best fit for you? Figuring out the type of degree you’ll need for your career of interest often includes choosing a major. For some careers, choosing a major that prepares you for your future career is simple. For others, the connection between the career and major is not so clear. This workshop is designed to help you figure out which majors are in line with your career choices.

The Apprentice: Networking Your Way to Success
o Can socializing lead to success? It can if you know how to network. Networking is about making connections and building relationships. This workshop is designed to help you learn how to network with peers and professionals. The ability to connect with people is essential to success in any business. Networking presents opportunities to interact with others on a personal level and to develop profitable relationships. This skill is critical for anyone who wants to be successful in their chosen career.

True Beauty: Being Beautiful in America
o What is the definition of beauty? According to the New York University Child Study Center girls' self-esteem peaks when they are about 9 years old, then takes a nosedive. This interactive workshop facilitates the discussion about girls self esteem, body image, and peer and social pressures around appearance. This workshop provides attendees with the tools for building self confidence, creating healthy relationships, and celebrating their own uniqueness.

Survivor: Boys and Men of Color in America
o Ronald B. Mincy, professor of social work at Columbia University and editor of "Black Males Left Behind” said it best when he stated "There's something very different happening with young black men, and it's something we can no longer ignore.” The research surrounding Black men and boys seems to support that statement. Research shows:
  • Nationally, only about two-thirds of all students who enter 9th grade graduate with regular high school diplomas four years later. For minority males, these figures are far lower. In 2001, on average, 72% of female students, but only 64% of male students graduated. African American students had a graduation rate of 50%, the lowest of racial and ethnic groups identified.
  • Three-quarters of state prison inmates are high school dropouts
  • Of all African American male dropouts in their early 30s, 52% have been imprisoned.
o This workshop talks about the challenges facing African American males and the ways to overcome them.

CSI Fresno State: Financial Aid Edition
o Does it feel like you need a CSI unit to figure out how to apply for financial aid? For most people applying for financial aid can be complicated and confusing. This workshop will discuss the different types of financial aid and ways to navigate the financial aid system. By learning how to effectively navigate the system you can avoid delays in getting the money you need. Join us and get clued in.


Urban Strategic Enterprises said...

Wow, Tanya! This looking really good. I hope I can help get as many students there as possible.